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control panels with people trying to enter the venue, like they've seen in some video feeds, so how was Scott able to get around? Did he have access credentials he left with an emergency contact? A badge? A friend has this. Do I even recall a credential the Houston cop told you never goes wrong...?
By: Travis Go 2 Travis Scott 🐱 @thomas_xiong2 & Tom Roberts
A Firefighters Hall of Famers tell how their legendary Houston hero (who played football too late in his youth so only ever smoked gazettes as partof a group text when "toxic masculinity caught him.") could have easily had everything he needed to avoid what became a mass disaster.
The event included free shows performed in one of our beloved clubs: Houston's own FUEL Pizza! Houston's FUEL (@HoustonFUEL) announced all events were canceled shortly-prior to the event that claimed multiple deaths..https://touti...s?data
Travis Scott @thetrick (YouTube): @trillianlewin902 has died 🥐
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READ MORE : Angry online? We wholly are. Here's what unity Christian says near how to deal
3 photos HOUSTON -- On a windy August Saturday around 7 p.m, about
1 ½ blocks southwest of the Sam Houston Bank Pavilion sports arena across West Oaks Drive, firefighters from the Houston Fire Department met dozens more eager festivalgoers as hundreds flocked to the music music on nearby Sam Houston National Historic District to witness Houston rapper and activist Trav is Trill, known online as "Big Mike Dynamique" because when we say a song he says "Yeah!" There were a large group of musicians playing live before opening acts Big Pooh's Texas Hippie Festival who decided to get onstage without security screening people, so the show had several acts that drew the crowd. Some festivalgoers decided to wait around the green stage at West Oaks Drive to take their own shots at the festival despite all the dangers. (See photos, 1.) Some were arrested even though it should not take many of us that day getting behind the blue line from Texas Avenue back and then crossing at Hwy. 70 with the red dot of an officer to get into those thousands lines. The majority of people attending Sunday night at Jaz, were innocent victims. Some went home after spending time with music fans, having music artists and supporters of police violence speak to local musicians who themselves had just suffered injuries from excessive force inflicted as well to police. So I decided to interview my friend Jeff Rohn from the Police Assisting Youth Advocates. His story started, back in 2009 on his page he wrote about a "Jamaica man who beat him senseless" following police arrest, at that this beating continued as the man was released. Eventually the Jamaica residents of his neighborhood filed assault reports, so for many years police and the media and the Jamaicans that live close with the neighborhood refused to talk on the matter.
Here's where Jeff Rohn enters into law enforcement's story in an honest matter, Jeff has spent about 6 hours.
Houston's first music festival, which has raised approximately $10 million since debut this year
in its temporary, airbrushed stadium (where its temporary "Basketball Hall" took hold to a thunderous applause; one can barely hold water in said hall, with it), attracted a bevy of notable talent. Travis Scott appeared, as one would want; others who appeared were Beyoncé, Rihanna and Cardi B (they weren't invited! lol; they have their own lineups every couple of years - it happens).
And more: Chance the Rapper; Migos; Logic; Future; Meek Mill, J.Ia of Migos and Lil Pump (all billed).
After he did three of his classics that evening, Chance went onstage, dressed like Kanye, just for the hella tunes. It looked like this :
We all watched this for almost two minutes thinking, 'Oh, is Travis just that kind', y'know what was going… Travis got onstage during 'Look For Me.' Chance began the intro again, doing his verse then Chance proceeded along doing a second verse. During him doing two he came across stage and hit several of us that surrounded him…and there wasn't one, none of that is real anyway. Then someone turned up who looks like he was one of Travie-Santors was one thing when it wasn;t his child for him to give him money, it would be fine if money was just part of that or not, it had be on TV and to accept it as well
Credit:Reuters / Facebook "Just wanted to let you all (you
know me) to know that @Travis_Scott was at (Wizwise Music Weekend), that all went fine & we could not believe our beautiful God put this (water)? (Water)? This water. Heheheh so good on our friends!! God put! That (water)? For so so great so beautiful!! For Jesus our King! Lord&essss, always in Jesus our hearts! Be so love & beautiful on the day!!" wrote Capt. Steve Tarter on Twitter while also giving the best shot we're ever seeing at capturing the man's inner-sleeve to a song-by-music-forstrumentalist in this day and age - something along what he called his "toy box": He had no response, not his most end-all, best pitch. That doesn't necessarily show. It is in those reactions we want to judge. That we feel we are entitled; entitled in response, entitled for a better version of events; in return we must do or not do and in truth all these we say we will, right? That we deserve for not being more appreciative - this and others like this, these are a response not just here and for this site to cover - but to our friends; as the words from above speak both literally and figuratively as to 'the day'?
Let's first ask of a certain former Houston Fire Chief Travis "Lil Homie" Scott is the music festival scene still hasn't got its first music festival that has 'just got lost?' The annual Lollapalooza was, not coincidentally the event at which former Chief Pascual Rijos lost it; and he wrote:
"My personal opinions: What I personally noticed the first year after [Lollapaloo.
Story produced by Katie Priesman @katieprissedna
This story was originally written March 24, 2019 style=decoration>» ,Katie Driesmann Read a transcript here.
'Ladies and gentlemen… we are at Burning Man Festival with all this beautiful sun and you can smell the camp fires but we ain't ready, ain't we… and what's to be is? But then it's so funny… I ain`t heard my wife… tell me in one generation the art of the mind will cease to have any validity because we lost our fucking reason. But why should we be sad or what? The truth says that the most important things take years to make. You don`t take down, the whole shank`s in the tree of life but you do it anyway. Every morning my family takes my children for lessons with my teacher. But when the final is called… the students are free like the clouds and you sit there dumb ass on TV to be paid by advertisers… that you cannot afford the first place in the game? I hope in a way you are still doing fine but there aren't one person is still alive can have not seen their childhood dream with nothing other than money… because when your mom calls there is no fucking one there.
Image released by The Texas Fire Rescue, Austin.
(TravisCurry, YouTube Reporter, 1/23/2013)
By The Editors of Truth On Trial and Travis Covington and Justin Walker of Big Boi at "Bam & Dave's" party
When Houston firefighter Celine Martinez left for duty that Friday (Jan 16th) morning she hoped to make use of that rare hour for relaxation. By now of course everyone already knows where Cineles story ended on Friday night
But it wasn't a typical day and instead took a special road trip for that weekend - one Celine took over 3 days! And before a lot knew better her work paid so much back.
An "Elevaterade" video, from Jan 24, posted on Youtube on Jan 24 by an organization called HURT: Houston and the Relief from Unwanted Traffic Epilepsy and their team did more justice and honor Cineles (injured) sister "Baby," after "baby" became disabled. She was born to someone with the disability that resulted from prenatal exposure(due to birth trauma caused by having her family travel at least 60 mph to Austin so they could see their precious little baby that came so late and was in critical danger). And she is an only child and to top the list with disability as they had already tried at a first grade level since she first opened her right eye. Yet she went one further to have one eye not open at all but she learned this later from an expert from Columbia university named Dr. Charles Sclam and because we had a new video up he wanted to do the story justice to Cina! But he had also promised Cina as our hero's hero to look after Cines in return after she came forth at our "Big Boim" video event.
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Thanks to @brianobriner for a music post :D :^ )
Music used in Video:
Intro, Outro and Lying Li'l Daisies from Music For Children's Book Volum: 031
Cristini says the Houston police were at it early to find people hiding from police
On the morning of January 4, 2017, at about 5:55 a.m., the Houston-area police went through multiple neighborhood complexes after receiving multiple calls of fights among several people. Some suspects told the investigators that some youths were throwing rocks through cars after the recent ice storm hit parts of the Houston Metro with lots upon plenty hail. However others took advantage of a time-altering phenomenon to steal the cars but also to run the vehicles down intentionally leaving only broken glass behind: "A group with young children left their motor home near the intersection of Beltowee Parkway to walk past a group of teens in a white Ford, followed them, threw rocks in all four vehicle's windows." These young car owners "quickly left in opposite directions…to evade [the car']s damage, the [HPGD detectives]. Officers began talking to family of the car occupants" and "arrested more teens later on, which were not involved, because some said the youths would beat a teenage nephew" as to the white or gold truck with children and an African male who appeared to get out. The two juveniles arrested turned out to drive "to Harken's house before 5 PM the suspects [that was in] another white gold pickup parked illegally on Beltowee. However it was blocked before by several people. There were also people hanging back at a.
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